Summit Participation Form #tarimzirveleri


22-23 February 2024 | Izmir IZQ Innovation Center

Dear Friend of Agriculture and Food,

We will come together with pioneers and experts in the field of agriculture, healthy food and impact, new initiatives and various institutions at AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY and IMPACT SUMMIT 2024 on 22-23 FEBRUARY 2024. We aim for a healthier society and sustainable agriculture for everyone. We move forward with a holistic approach that brings together individuals who feed the society and provide production, social, economic and cultural development, and design and implement result-oriented projects that are educational, sharing, sustainable, lay the groundwork for commercial developments.

Agriculture Summits spotlight technologies and entrepreneurs supporting sustainable agricultural production that is mindful of people, animals, water, soil, and the environment, making a positive impact socially and economically. We stand with farmers who, despite challenges, prioritize real knowledge and steadfastly continue to produce.

We expect that the summit will provide a rich atmosphere in terms of monitoring technological developments in the sector, sharing experiences, learning about new projects and innovations, and will also create opportunities to establish new connections and commercial relations.

We expect your effective participation and support in the excitement and enthusiasm we feel, and we hope to realize virtual summits together that will please everyone.




Revolutionary developments are happening again in agriculture. Smart agricultural technologies, precision agriculture, agricultural automation, robotics and irrigation technologies all attempt to combine technology with traditional agriculture. While sensors and robots are taking on new roles in agriculture, ‘real-time data analysis’ is gaining importance. Those who own and manage data will shape the future. Precision agriculture applications are expected to reach a volume of 240 billion dollars in 2050. Applications such as remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence will form the future of agricultural practices. Türkiye should be involved in these developments and become a producer, not just a user.

On the other hand, we are at high risk because land and water resources cannot be used properly. Our producers need more support in the fight against increasingly high input costs, and due to speculative approaches on a global scale, billions of dollars of resources are flowing to the farmers of other countries through imports. The number of farmers in Turkiye is gradually decreasing, and agricultural areas have been shrinking in recent years. According to World Bank data, there are 87 countries whose surface area is smaller than the agricultural areas lost by Turkiye. Türkiye is becoming increasingly dependent on foreign food products.

Turkiye needs non-governmental organizations that will work on agriculture, have the ability to accurately read the needs of the agricultural sector, and are competent in developing cooperation.

The Agriculture 4.0 Technology and Impact Association is a competent non-governmental organization working towards the transmission of ancient knowledge from Anatolia, the birthplace of the agricultural revolution, across generations. It aims to make Turkiye an advanced agricultural country by accurately understanding the needs of agricultural production and promoting the effective use of agricultural technologies.



February 22

08:30 / Registiration

February 22

09:00 / Summit Opening

February 22

09:10 / Purpose of the Agricultural, Technology and Impact Summit

Zafer ARSLAN, Tarım Bankacılığı Pazarlama Bölüm Müdürü, Türkiye İş Bankası


Tunç SOYER, Başkan, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi 


Mustafa ŞAHİN, İzmir Tarım İl Müdürü (teyit edilecektir)


Süleyman ELBAN, İzmir Valisi (teyit edilecektir)

February 22

09:55 / An Agricultural Country at the Heart of Innovation and Virtue: Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Cemal TALUĞ, Başkan, Tarım ve Gıda Etiği Derneği

February 22

10:40 / Turkish Agriculture Now and in the Future: Our Production with the 5Ws and 1H

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Hakan ÇAKICI, Başkan, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi


Prof. Dr. Doğan YAŞAR, Oşinograf, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü


Mustafa EVRAN, Veteriner Hekim, Tarım CAN Akademi Medya


Dr. Mehmet UĞURLU, Ziraat Mühendisi


Rafael DETOLEDO, Kurucu Ortak, Supersol

February 22

11:55/Impact, Technology, and Innovation in the Agriculture-Food Value Chain

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Ali Ekber YILDIRIM, Tarım Yazarı


Evren ALBAŞ, Genel Müdür, Tat Gıda


Dr. Erçin GÜDÜCÜ, Genel Sekreter, İzmir Ticaret Borsası


Caner ÖNDER, Ürün ve İş Geliştirme Direktörü, İmeceMobil


Tülin AKIN, Kurucu Ortak, TABİT

February 22

13:55 / Being Forced to Defend Agriculture

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÇOLAK, Öğretim Üyesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi


Mutlu DOĞRU, Başkan, Adana Çiftçiler Birliği


Baki Remzi SUİÇMEZ, Genel Başkan, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası


Ray MILIDONI, Kurucu, SoilConnect, Dijital yayıncı(uzaktan katılım)


Dr. Erhan EKMEN, Genel Başkan Yardımcısı, Türkiye Ziraatçılar Derneği

February 22

15:10 / Regenerative Agriculture for Healthy and Accessible Food

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Prof. Dr. Uygun AKSOY, Başkan, Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu Derneği


Mehmet TULBEK, Başkan, Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre (uzaktan katılım)


Dr. F. Figen AR, Kurucu, 3AR Enerji Kimya Danışmanlık


Betül BİLDİK, Kurucu Ortak, Ingredy


Aylin YAZICIOĞLU, Şef, Gastronomi Danışmanı

February 22

16:25 / Regenerative Agriculture: Fair Agricultural Production and Sustainable Economy

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Dr. Zerrin ÇELİK, Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi


Nesrin SERİN, Kurucu, USB Sertifikasyon


Münevver KEPENEK, Çiftçi, Eskişehir Kadın Çiftçiler Derneği


Tanfer DİNLER, Çiftçi, Sosyal Girişimci


Sibel ELBİR, İyi Tarım ve Organik Tarım Uzmanı, Canbel Tarım

February 23

10:00 / Conscious and Benefit-Oriented Investment Strategies in Agriculture

Serhat ÇİÇEKOĞLU, Kurucu Ortak, Sente Ventures

February 23

11.00 / From Field to Table Collaboration: Ecosystem-Based Strategic Planning in Agriculture, Example of Izmir

Oturum Yöneticisi:

Mine ATAMAN, Tarım Yazarı, Futurist


Prof. Dr. Zerrin Toprak KARAMAN, Kurucu,Toprak Global Toplumsal Farkındalık






Murat MERDİN, Kurucu Ortak, DRONEQUBE

February 23

13:30 / Financing Agriculture: Impact and Ethics

Oturum Yönetici:


Sezer ARSLAN,  Kurucu Ortak, Oxivo


Dr. İbrahim OĞUZ, Ziraat Mühendisi, Frankfurt School


Erdem AK, Hasat Türk, Tarım 4.0 Teknoloji ve Etki Derneği Yönetim Kurulu üyesi


İlkay DEMİRDAĞ, Etki Yatırımcısı


Dr. Nevzat BİRİŞİK, Tarım ve Gıda Direktörü, Kamu Araştırmaları Vakfı

February 23

14:45 / One Health for Society: The Relationship between Soil, Plant, Animal, and Human

Oturum Yöneticisi:


Prof. Dr. İsmail TÜRKAN , Dekan Vekili, Tarım Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Fakültesi, Yaşar Üniversitesi


Doç. Dr. Bihter ESETLİLİ, Ziraat Mühendisi, Ege Üniversitesi


Ersin ÖZDEMİR, Diyetisyen


Adnan SERPEN, Veteriner Hekim, İzmir Veteriner Hekimleri Odası


Mine PAKKANER, Ziraat Mühendisi, Uzman Tarım Danışmanı

February 23

16:10 / Respect for the Farmers of the Past Century and Anatolian Culture

Prof. Dr. Erdem DENK, Öğretim Üyesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi


Prof. Dr. Bülent GÜLÇUBUK, Öğretim Üyesi,Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi

February 23

17:10 / The Importance of Creating Value Together in Agriculture: Action Plans and Future Vision, Conclusion

Nilüfer AKTAŞ, Kurucu, Impactmaze, Sürdürülebilirlik Danışmanı


Sumer TÖMEK BAYINDIR, Başkan, Tarım 4.0 Teknoloji ve Etki Derneği, TETA Teknik Tarım Genel Müdürü

February 23

11:00- 14:00 / WORKSHOP – Parallel Session: Twin Transformation for Agriculture and Food

Çalıştay Yöneticisi:


Nilüfer AKTAŞ, Kurucu, Impactmaze, Sürdürülebilirlik Danışmanı



Limited to 1
Quota is full.

  • Use of logos in session announcements and decorations
  • Use of sponsorship title and logo on the home page of the event website
  • Including the promotional video of the sponsor company on the home page of the event website
  • Use of sponsorship title and logo in planned e-bulletin studies
  • The use of sponsorship title and logo in the planned social media posts will be included in the videos.
  • Use of the company’s logo in all keynote speaker announcements


Limited to 4.

  • Use of logos in session announcements and decorations
  • Video screening of the sponsor company to all participants before a session selected by the sponsor
  • Sponsorship title and logo usage on the home page of the event website
  • Including the promotional video of the sponsor company on the home page of the event website
  • Use of sponsorship title and logo in planned social media posts and inclusion in videos
  • Use of sponsorship title and logo in media shares with planned numbered posts


Limited to 5.

  • Using the logo in only 1 session
  • Use of sponsorship title and logo in the sponsors section of the event website
  • Including the company’s video in the sponsors section of the event website
  • Including the sponsorship title and logo in the videos in a limited number of planned social media posts.


Agricultural Economics

Vegetable and Animal Production


Food and Nutrition



To Register for the Agriculture and Technology Summit, fill out the Summit Registration Form.


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